Saturday, November 29, 2008

Serenity and Anna getting used to Velille life.

Serenity (left) and Anna (right) have been quite busy cooking, cleaning, making cakes, making and visiting with new friends here, answering knocks on the door and hosting and getting ready for visitors. They hit the ground running on arrival, but then a few days later were slowed down a bit by some of our friendly bacteria here. They are both feeling better by now, and have already been a huge blessing to us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, just wanted to thank both of you girls for having ears to hear what the Lord was saying to you and "GO" to the ends of the earth for the sake of the gospel. I know from experience that what you are doing is not easy, but it will be greatly blessed. You are answers to many prayers and you are currently in our prayers, God bless you, VH